This is a charity project.
Christmas Day is just around a corner,please show your kindness to the unfortunate and homeless ones by donating to Christmas For Payatas project. All your donation will help on provide food, education and a means of livelihood to at least 25,000 children.
For those who are not in the know, most people of Payatas (notoriously know as Smokey Mountain) live in shacks without running water, light or other basic services. Everyday, they climb the mounds of garbage dumps searching for something they can sell or eat. On 10 July 2000, after a period of heavy rain, a trashslide occurred in the Payatas dump claiming over 200 lives, including many children.
Christmas for Payatas Project is initiated by and the Lighthouse Center For Children Foundation to help alleviate the sufferings. is kicking it off with a cash sponsorship of USD 10,000 and FusionExcel International has also pitched in a USD 5,000 cash sponsorship. The “Christmas For Payatas” Charity appeal videos are currently being broadcasted to millions of people around the world through YouTube, ABS-CBN and NBN TV Channels.
Total donation now is only USD 73,469.30/25000 kids = USD 2.90!
It is seriously not enough for a kid! It can only get them a meal only. What to do?Please extend your generosity and visit the website below.
Please visitChristmas For Payatas
You must do something for them if you have the ability.
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