Sunday, May 10, 2009

I won the My Mother’s Day Contest from My Privilege Book

One day , I received an e-mail from My Privilege Book. The e-mail was about the ‘My Mother’s Day Contest’ which was open for My Privilege Book member only as My Privilege Book card number was required. The prizes attracted me as I still wonder what should I give for my dear mother during this festive day. As a result, I participated it. However, I spent two days to figure out what should I wrote and how creative was the photos and story will attract the judges. Then, I finally ended up with a dialog true story about my mother’s birthday and a photo of my mum and I.D6F16_MyMotherDay-Contest-Poster

A few days later,  I was so astonished that I actually was one of the three winners. I am the one of the only three! Oh my god! Thanks My Privilege Book once again and also the main sponsors such as TAKA Cake House , JF Beauty from Maison Monica , Pretty Petals at Kuching Hilton and Indulgence Wellness Centre. Thanks for the prizes for my dear mother. Thanks!C27E9_MyMother's_Day_Contest(R)GetAttachment.aspx

I headed to the IVOQ main office on Friday after school to collect the vouchers. I just realized where was the IVOQ main office.



My mum looked extremely happy and pretty. Love you mum!!!200905094174   200905094173200905094175

Different poses. *lol*

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A bouquet of Carnations. Lovely and gorgeous.  

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The Tiramisu from Taka was so delicious that I actually surprised by the yummilious! The design of the cake box was so special and stylish that my parents and I were amazed!

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My mum , the happiest one. Haha~

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The yummy Tiramisu which worth RM 59.00 from Taka Cake House .200905094198 200905094199 200905094200 200905094201 200905094202  200905094204 200905094203


Going to enjoy 1 hour of Foot Reflexology at Indulgence soon! Wish my mum will enjoy it!


(to be continued :-D)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy mum's day! =D