Saturday, September 18, 2010

What Have I Done?!!! (Part 1)

17th of September

A Crazy Outing with Audrey, Eugene and Vinctor!!!

I was the driver of the day~ Yeah! Practise driving although I have two GPSs~ *lol*

My house>Eugene's house>Vinctor's house>Audrey's house>BDC Zhuang Yuan Lou>Maybank>Badminton World at 3rd mile>One Jaya>Enter-K>Chung Hua No.3 ICE>Vinctor's house>Eugene's house>my house!!!


Eugene footed the bill forPaul and Eeng Chai^>^ Audrey footed the bill for ice!

He is experiencing a hardship perhaps. He sang enthusiastically^>^
Why was he so damn EMO?
The brothers were singing their theme song!!!
Singapore Hokkien Mee RM 4.00 at BDC Zhuang Yuan Lou!!!
Not bad~~~
Yeah~~~ Bully Audrey ^o^
Group photo~ Clear!
We were playing in the elevator~
The Devil in PRADA ooh~
We were playing in the escalator AGAIN~
Eugene was consulting the Streamyx dealer!!! OMG~ he is going to receive his HP Netbook. Why not me... Why I am not COLLEGE or UNI student?! So damn shit... Form 6 is also PRE-U ok!!!

Night outing with Vinctor, Tze Yang and Yien Peng!!!!!!!!!!!! Isabella's Cafe and Yien Peng's house.
Yes, you are right, it is Mahjong!!! We are not gambling but just play it for FUN!!!

Yien Peng is again showing her Mahjong~ FULL HOUSE? She won it.

It was her BIG BIG BIG day!!! *wooooooooooooooooooooooootttssssssss*
Tze Yang, why are you so HIGH?!!!
I have no idea what is it called. :-)
Lamb Chop with Black Pepper sauce if I am not mistaken.
Pork Chop with fishy taste, am I right???
This is my Bacon and Cheese Spaghetti.

Jasmine Green Tea!!!

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