Tuesday, April 17, 2012

#17 April One Seven

I do not know what is wrong but somehow there is something wrong with Blogger.

I am going to retype all this, anyway, I am full of ideas now. Hope I could post this successfully.

I hate uncertainties, I hate something that is vague, not clear.


Had a quick peep about the latest smartphones which are currently available or perhaps selling like hotcakes now, somehow the prices just are too over. Perhaps, I will just grab a quite okay phone to fulfill my needs. I am never satisfied, I know.

If I am hooked with plan, perhaps I will be stuck with Facebook and those decent apps. OMG, I am totally controlled by the techy world. Maybe, it is just the opposite that I might be less interested to those stuff after owning it. Hope so, I do not want to live in the virtual world forever. I want a real LIFE.


I know it is controversial, what to do, life is always so damn complicated.

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