Wednesday, April 4, 2012

#4 April Zero Four

Turn the volume to the MAX! Enjoy the music to the loudest!
Express the feeling to the straightest! Take off the cover to the cleanest!

I had a dream. It was a very very weird dream but I think it is not the first time to have that kind of dream.
I dreamed I was married!!! OMG...
It is 3.33 p.m. now, 3.33, my CGPA. What a COINCIDENCE ya... Oh well, it does happen every day. I mean the time.

Back to the weird dream, what I thought was...
Why I get married at this moment?
Why I have no memory that I am in a relationship before?
Why the dream is not vague?
Why I haven't waken up?

LUCKILY, it was just a dream.
Everything is back to normal while opening my sleepy-laden eyes...

Dream could be sweet but it could be SCARY too.

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