Friday, October 15, 2010


Half of the October was gone, so far not so good. Encounter quite a lot of problems. Especially tonight, what a BAD BAD night. How could it be? That BLUE AVANZA, the cause of getting my night ruined. Actually, I am kinda looking forward to approaching of October, who knows? 15 days of the October were gone and yet I can't feel a little happiness and excitement throughout the 15 days. October should be my lovely month because I am turning 18 in the end of this month. ARGHH...

However, I have to confess that almost every October I encountered, so far, it's not that LUCKY to me. Why will it happen to me?!!!! Kenak kedaknya, sorry, I am learning Bahasa Sarawak.

I actually, don't like my birthday. Somehow, some reasons, the past 17 years, I hate almost 10 years of my birthdays. I just started to sort of like looking forward to approaching of October this few years. Some reasons, I felt extraordinary sad when the day of my birthday some years. It is quite weird I know, maybe something wrong with the date?

Normally, during the day of my birthday, depression and autism are like ruining my day. I really hate the feeling and hope that the day can be passed as soon as possible.

Birthday, for some people, it is a significant day of a year. For me as well but then sometimes for me, I do not really like it. Perhaps I love my birthday but I just hate all the bad things happened before it. Why? Are that meant to urge me?!! WHY!!!

1 comment:

Ken Wooi said...

my birthdays are always very normal :)